Hello Beauties...
Welcome to Pretty Simple Beauty, your one stop shop to getting all the knowledge you need to flourish in the beauty industry and some amazing beauty tips to help you looking and feeling radiant and happy because Beauty is not just about how you look but also how you feel, That is one my top beauty tips that I try to live by on a daily basis.
Let me introduce myself, I go by the name of Zenani Sizane and I am a beauty blogger, yes that is what I decided to do with my life and I am sticking to it, so I hope that I will be warmly welcomed into this amazing industry as I have already welcomed myself. I think it is important to give you a little backstory of who I am and how I decided to be a Beauty Blogger.
Growing up I had dreams of being in the Fashion Industry, I remember at the age of 12, I wanted to be a Fashion Designer, I think that I was heavily influenced by all the American series that I used to watch, your 90210 and Gossip Girl etc, but my mother also played a huge role in my love for clothes because she is a Fashion Fanatic.
As I grew up I was still heavily into fashion but then I changed my mind at the age of 15, that the job that suited me best was Fashion Editing, and that was influenced by my love for writing, writing has always been a part of my life, I have always had journals where I used to write my thoughts and feelings in so I thought that would be the perfect to write about fashion, I must say that all those Seventeen Magazines I used to read inspired me a lot.
Going into university, I got rejected for an art school so the next best thing for me was to study Journalism, the reason why I applied to art school was that at the time I thought I wanted to be Fashion Buyer but yeah I don't know how I ended up applying at an art school for that, They rejected me and so I went with second choice which was Media and Journalism and I got accepted there, so that is what I studied and graduated in.
As you can tell I was heavily into Fashion, so you might wonder how come I am not in the Fashion Blogging Industry instead, well once a upon I did, I tried blogging about Fashion, but for some reason I was never really happy with my work because I did not feel it was original enough and I was not okay with the feeling of my work not being unique, so I stopped because it was not fun for me anymore, and that is something important to me; I simply must enjoy my work.
For a very long time after that I struggled finding a passion, and that was a difficult time for me because I even lost confidence in my writing which is weird because I have been writing my whole life so I did not know what to do about that, but the little fire was still there I just needed to find something else to write about, and earlier this year I thought being a Mommy Blogger was what I needed to do based on my unique pregnancy story, but that did not work out either, so after some soul searching and self-discovery I finally decided to be a Beauty Blogger.
Now I know, you may feel like it was a sudden decision, but it is not, Firstly the Fashion and Beauty sectors are often seen as one big industry, which they do kind of work hand-in-hand but obviously very different at the same time. Well growing up as much as I was madly in love with Fashion, I also loved body products and smelling good, I discovered my love for body products in high school when I discovered the "The Body Shop" more specifically their Pumpkin Spice Body Butter, I was in awe of that particular product because it smelled so good and all my life I have only used Vaseline, so finally branching out and trying these new products was amazing, and mostly because growing up I could not use those "Barbie Lotions" I would get on my birthday because due to my sensitive dry skin they would break me out and flare up my eczema.
So finding a commercial unmedicated product for my skin was so exciting, I would say that is where my love for skin products bloomed and it also sparked some curiosity in me on they got their products to feel and smell so good, before that time I never knew that one could make your own product, it was something I never considered until about 5 years ago, when I came across a random video on my YouTube feed, where this Lady was making her own Bar soap and I was amazed by how easy it seemed and that she was doing it in house with basic kitchen utensils, that just blew my mind to finally see how someone could literally create their skincare products.
So from that day on I knew this was something I would like to do and that came to me at the most perfect time because before I had been lost and not knowing what to do with my life so seeing that video sparked some inspiration in and I hopped on my research wagon and started researching how different oils are made and pressed and guys when I tell you that I was truly in awe I mean just that because I had no idea that any person could this and that not everything had to be done in a Factory.
One thing I must admit is that although I was excited to do my research I had no clue where to start, I had written down all the different essential oils and carrier oils to research, but I got overwhelmed by the amount of knowledge that I had acquire and also by these big terms that I did not understand luckily I kept that paper, at the time I did not consider starting a beauty blog because I did not know anything about what I researching due to the fact that it was too much information and it seemed very complicated to me.
The following year I had to go back to school and finish my final year so my focus was on finishing this degree and I guess I just pushed everything to the back of my mind, and then in 2020 I had decided that I wanted to the time in lockdown as a time to restart my Blog, but due to unforeseen pregnancy reasons, I was simply too sick to even stay awake for the first 3 months of my pregnancy, and once I regained my strength back I was busy with a whole new different business venture.
So yes I took me sometime to get here but I made it and the reason I started this Blog is to share different Beauty information with people like me. When I speak of being a Beauty Blogger, I want to think of the more natural and organic side of Beauty, I do not wear make-up at all so it is not something I could write about because I simply do not have knowledge on that, I have nothing against make-up or people who wear make up because firstly I am too lazy to learn how to wear make up to be completely honest, secondly I do not think I look good when I wear make up.
Therefore, in this Blog we will mainly focus on Skincare, natural beauty hacks and skincare ingredients, if you are confused on why I chose writing about natural and organic skincare ingredients, it is simply because I am always googling about natural oils, DIY's and I find that there is not enough information on this particular subject matter and I find it frustrating to go from blog to blog trying find a certain ingredients finding the same basic information on ingredients.
Therefore, I have made it my mission to research ingredients and produce the best information I can find on them and I mean the good the bad the most interesting, especially in South Africa where it very difficult to find out about certain ingredients and if they are available in the country.
However I think anyone anywhere in the world will benefit from this blog. I want anyone that lands on my blog to find all the information they want and need on their favorite natural skincare ingredients, especially those who want to start their own brands and do not know where to start. In addition I will share some good skincare and beauty tips, so that you can look your best bare.
I hope this a start of a Beautiful Friendship, where we can share our best information in the Industry we love, I hope that we can build our little community where we can learn together while we enjoy the beauty that nature has given us.
May your Skin Glow And Love Grow
Zenani, Pretty Simple Beauty